Once…Always… is part of what makes Phi Sig, the idea that once you are a part of us you will always be a part of us. You came before us and have now graduated and are living new lives, but you should still know what’s going on in our chapter and be able to see when our events are. On this page there will be news of the chapter's activities and upcoming events for our beloved alumnae. We hope that with this site you will feel more in tuned with the activities of the chapter and we hope to see you all at our open events <3


October 14, 2010 - This week the ladies of the Theta Sigma Chapter helped out Alumni Laura Swanson raise money towards Breast Cancer Research.

November 14, 2010 - We will be holding our Alumnae Luncheon at Trio, it will be $12 a person. For meal choices and to RSVP please contact Christine Doyle ! 

Fraternity Policies
Alumnae Attendance & Participation in Collegiate Chapter Meetings
Alumnae are permitted to enter collegiate chapter meetings with the vote of the collegiate chapter. They are entitled to voice, but no vote. Phi Sigma Sigma staff and volunteers, conducting official Fraternity business, are allowed to enter all meetings without the chapter's vote.
The Chapter must be notified at least one week in advance in order to vote.

Events that are permitted on the Alumnae Calender:
The alumnae calender consists of events such as luncheons, fundraisers, homecoming, Founders day, alumnae luncheon, etc. It is not permitted for socials to be put on the calender because they are closed events for active sisters only. In order to attend recruitment the chapter must be given at least one weeks notice so that they may vote.
**Active sisters love seeing alumnae but we must follow policies, so make sure you give that notice so we can see your beautiful faces and there will be no conflicts! =)